Thursday, August 9, 2012

1989 Ninja ZX7 Header Wrap

In an effort to keep this section from becoming a desolate wasteland, (I keep looking for tumbleweeds to blow by around here, lol!) here are some pics of one of my minor winter projects. I had an old gift certificate from Summit Racing, that was burning a hole in my pocket. In addition to my Mustang, I also have a really nice, perfect shape 1989 Kawasaki Ninja ZX7. No big surprise, as most car guys are into motorcycles, as well. Somebody over on the ZX Forums posted up a nice thread about wrapping his headers with exhaust wrap. He also has a nice set of full stainless Muzzy exhaust, which is what I run. Only mods to my bike are the aforementioned exhaust, K&N filter and a very minor jet upgrade to accomodate the exhaust and air filter, thats it. Anyway, no how to or step by step pics, just the finished pics of the finished product, right after I finished painting the wrapped headers with the high temp silicon paint. I got a complete DEI kit, from Summit, with enough wrap and stainless steel ties to do a standard set of V8 headers, more than I needed. I'm sure that some of you guys have done this, before. It is a tedious process, that takes a lot of patience. It is also messy, as there is a lot of 'gunk' in the wrap, that comes out, when you wet it. In addition, as you can see, my headers are actually quite close together, with a couple of the bends, so it was challenging, pulling them apart and feeding the limp noodle wet exhaust wrap through the crack!! Enough rambling, here are the pics;

I was also able to get the header mounted back up, despite extreme cold temperatures, and being too stubborn to remove the radiator! A couple of scraped knuckles later, it was definitely worth it. Finally a couple of pics of the bike:

I forgot to mention, I'm really hoping that the exhaust wrap helps to tame the high running temps that these bikes are notorious for. With the headers being sandwhiched between the heads and the radiator, I'm sure that the extreme radiant heat, wasn't helping the cause. The wrap is supposed to be super efficient, in keeping the heat, within the header, and right out of the tailpipe. We'll see. I also am hoping for some limiting of the tinny, buzziness of the exhaust. I also repacked the Muzzy can, and added an additional baffle. I'm not expecting miracles, but I'm sure that even these small changes will make a difference. Its either that, or I start to wear earplugs, under my helmet! I must be getting old...

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